
The Newark Advertiser’s “100 Years ago today” column, featured Abbotts this week.

Brace yourselves – It’s slightly less boring than you might think – and stirring stuff too..

 Picture Below

 The text reads:

Ald. J.C Wright presided over a meeting of workmen at Messrs Abbott and Co’s boiler works.

He reminded them that 19 men had gone from those works to join the forces in the field and he felt sure that for their sakes, if for no other, the men in the shops would do their very best (applause).

Mr S. Grocock said if they did not follow the path of duty and did everything they could to help those brave men who were fighting for them, they would be traitors indeed. (hear hear). They had no traitors in these works, for he could vouch for every man.


Today and Keen to learn from the past, We suggested an annual ‘traitors audit’ as part of our Annual ISO9001 review but was assured by Lloyds Register QA that it really wouldn’t be necessary !