Abbott & Co. 1888 Price List


Abbott & Co’s Price List,
Newark Boiler Works


Abbott & Co., Engineers & Boiler Makers
Newark Boiler Works
Illustrated Catalogue of vertical, marine, cornish and Lancashire boilers, handy hoists & tire benders.


Telegraphic Address – “Abbott, Newark”
Cable Address – “Abbott, Newark, England”
Weights & Measurements given in this List are approximately correct, but we cannot guarantee them to be exact.
Prices do not include packing, but this is done at the lowest possible price, and cases allowed for, if returned in good condition, carriage paid.
Terms 5% discount for prompt cash, unless special arrangements are made.
Foreign orders should either be accompanied by remittance or reference to some responsible house in this country, for payment on presentation of Invoice.
Please refer to date of this List when ordering. (1888)


  Since issuing our price list in 1883, great strides have been taken in the use of steel for all purposes, and for none more than for Boiler plates. The uniform ductility now attained has made it the favourite material of both Boiler makers and Boiler users, so long as good Standard Brands are used and care exercised in the manipulation, (especially the re-heating of the whole plate after any local heating has been done.) Boilers made of steel will excel anything yet produced in iron, either as to first cost, efficiency, or durability. With increased knowledge in the manufacture of steel, and in the subsequent use of it, all those difficulties of unaccountable cracks, etc., have disappeared.
Having had an experience of 17 years, during which we have made over 3,100 boilers, we feel justified in offering our services to any of our customers who want advice as to what kind of Boiler is best suited to his requirements, and in all cases orders left in our hands will have the same care in manufacture as those undergoing professional and independent inspection.
All our Boilers are numbered, stamped with test pressure, and registered, so that we can at any time give a certificate of the test of any particular one made by us, if required.
Amongst our numerous patrons we may mention “The English Admiralty,” who have over 30 of our Boilers in use, The Queensland, New Zealand, natal, and Indian State Railways have all numbers of our Boilers at work; also the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, and Metropolitan Asylums Board; and several of our Boilers of special design are giving great satisfaction on the Congo River.
“The Handy Hoist,” introduced since our last catalogue was issued, will be found useful in every trade, and we think on referring to the price list on page 12 it will be admitted that it is one of the cheapest lifting appliances ever offered.
The “Samson Tire-Bender” will be found invaluable by Smiths and Contractors. Notwithstanding the extremely dull trade of the last year, numbers of these have sold, especially in Scotland and abroad, where labour-saving machines seem more appreciated than in England.
For the convenience of our customers we have adopted Code names for all our various Boilers, etc., in this list, and for more extended use of the code system we refer our friends to the “A.B.C Code,” (Mr Clauson Thue’s 4th Edition) which we use, and copies of which we shall be pleased to supply to friends at cost price, if required.


List No. 1
Vertical Boilers

Prices in first column include Ashpit, Fire Door, Fire Bars, and Chimney.
Mountings include Safety Valve, Stop Valve, Feed Valve, Water Gauge, 2 Gauge Cocks, Pressure Gauge, and Blow-off Cock.
If Mountings are required, add the word “Mount” when using the “Code.”
All Boilers tested to 150lbs. per square inch, and certificate of test given if required.


List No. 2
Vertical Boilers (Colonial Type.)

We have found that the demand in the colonies is always for a Squat Boiler, and although this design is not quite so economical for coal as the higher ones in List No. 1, it meets the requirements of wood-burning markets, and gives a large grate area. For Fishing Smacks & Steam Cranes also these sizes seem preferred. They are made similar to those in List No. 1, but with double rivetted vertical seams from 3 feet diameter, and strengthening rings round the mud holes.

Prices in first column include Ashpit, Fire Door, Fire Bars, and Chimney.
Mountings include Safety Valve, Stop Valve, Feed Valve, Water Gauge, 2 Gauge Cocks, Pressure Gauge, and Blow-off Cock.
If Mountings are required, add the word “Mount” when using the “Code.”
All Boilers tested to 150lbs. per square inch, and certificate of test given if required.


List No. 3
Lancashire Cornish Boilers

Prices in first column include Furnace front, bars and bridge.
Mountings include Safety Valve, Stop Valve, Feed Valve, Water Valve, 2 Gauge Cocks, Pressure Gauge, and Blow-off Cock.
Boilers made entirely of Steel plates, unless otherwise ordered; tested to 120lbs. per square inch, and certificate of test given if required.


List No. 4
Return-Tube Type Boilers

Launches, Yachts, and Tug Boats.
Prices in first column include Smoke Box, Chimney, and Furnace Fittings.
Mountings include Spring Safety Valve, Stop Valve, Feed Valve, Water Gauge, 2 Gauge Cocks, Pressure Gauge, Scum and Blow-off Cock. Lock-up Safety Valve to meet board of trade requirements charged extra, according to size.
Boilers are made entirely of Steel, and stayed according to Board of Trade rules; but if Board of Trade survey and certificate is required, the fees must be paid by the purchaser.
All Boilers tested up to 150lbs. unless otherwise arranged, and certifiate of test given if required.


List No. 5
Steam Cutter Boilers.
“Admiralty Type.”

These boilers are made entirely of Steel Plate, all rivet holes drilled in position, and Brass Tubes.
Prices include Furnace Fittings, Smoke Box, and Jointed Chimney.
Mountings extra according to requirements. Lagging with Felt and Sheet Iron, 5% extra.
Engraving is intended to give a general idea of the construction, but is not binding as to details.
All Boilers tested to 150lbs. per square inch, and certificate of test given if required.


List No. 6
Patent Tubular Vertical Boiler.

The most economical Vertical Boiler yet made.
Simple in construction.
All parts accessible.
Large amount of Heating surface in proportion to size of Boiler.
Abundance of room in fire-box for perfect combustion of heated gases before entering the tubes, thus ensuring the greatest possible economy in fuel.
9.87lbs. of water evaporated per lb. of Coal.
Prices in first column include Ashpit, Fire Door, Fire Bars, and Chimney.
Mountings include Safety Valve, Stop Valve, Feed Valve, Water Gauge, 2 Gauge Cocks, Pressure Gauge, and Blow-off Cock.
If Mountings are required, add the word “Mount” when using the “Code.”
All Boilers tested to 150lbs. per square inch, and certificate of test given if required.


Pinnace Boilers
This engraving represents the type of Boiler made by us for the English Admiralty, for use in their Steam Pinnaces. It is very similar to the Cutter Boilers, but has the front of the Furnace more enclosed, thus keeping a cooler stoke hold. Prices quoted on receipt of size required.

Torpedo Type Boilers
The design of this Boiler will recommend itself to all who want a tsrong boiler with the weight well down at the bottom. These boilers can be placed very snugly under deck, and yet have a large steam capacity. Prices quoted on receipt of size required.


Horizontal Tubular Boilers

Loco and Portable Type
These Boilers are well adapted for high pressure, and where good water is obtainable. They can be modified in design in numerous ways to meet special conditions, and we shall be happy to send quotations on receipt of particulars as to power wanted, space available, kind of fuel used, and working pressure required for Engine. Fire boxes can be had in Steel, Iron, or Copper. Tubes in Iron or Brass, and working pressure fom 50 to 250lbs. per square inch.


High-Class Vertical Boilers.
The above engraving represents a Vertical Cross Tube Boiler, with all Fittings, Mountings, and Injector, as made by us for the Indian States Railways. We make endless varieties of Vertical Boilers, and shall be pleased to supply designs and quotations for any special purpose, when required.


Return-Tube Marine Boiler
with Double Flues.

From 6.6″ to 10″ diameter suitable for 80 to 150lbs. working pressure.
Quotations on receipt of particulars.


Boiler Mountings.

The above are the sizes of Mountings supplied with our Boilers, and we shall be happy to send any odd parts when the complete set is not required. Prices on application.


The “Handy” Hoist.

A most valuable little appliance for every Trade where small weights require lifting. The arrangement of the handle (in front or back instead of at the side) makes it suitable for fixing in spaces too confined for the ordinary hoist, and the very low cost enables any one to fix a separate hoist in different parts of his establishment.


Improved Jib Crane.

For Warehouses, Bakehouses, Graineries, Breweries, Maltings, &c., &c., &c.
For Provision Deailers, Co-Operative Stores, Wholesale Houses in every trade. Engineering Works, Repairing Shops, and Railway Goods Sheds.

Made specially for use with our Handy Hoist.
The hollow bakc enables the chain to be carried down without cutting through the wall just under the eves, and in many cases without cutting through at all. If preferred, the Hoist can be fixed under the crane outside, and the spindle for handles carried inside, thus saving any expense of pullies to guide the chain, &c.


The Samson Tire Bender.
The cheapest machine yet introduced for bending any narrow Section of Iron.
Specially adapted for Contractors, Engineers, Boat builders, and Smiths.

This Machine is so designed that the top roller is brought down by a pair of straps over eccentrics worked by worm and wheel on left hand side, thus ensuring it working perfectly evenly, and easily. It will bend any tire up to 6″ x 1″ with ease, and can be adapted for different sections of iron if required. It is invaluable to Contractors, Coachbuilders, Wheelwrights, Blacksmiths, Shipwrights, and General Repairing Shops.
Top roll can be taken out quite easily, to enable complete circles to be rounded up after welding.