
2009/105/ EC Pressure Vessels – Simple Unfired Pressure Vessels

2009/105/ EC Pressure Vessels – Simple Unfired Pressure Vessels – SPVD

We are manufacturers of EC Pressure Vessels and Air Receivers to meet the requirements of the 2009/105/EC –  Simple Unfired pressure vessel directive (SPVD) and EN286

Please email your requirements or complete our pressure vessel enquiry forms – for 2009/105/ EC Pressure Vessels or Air Receivers

This Directive applies to simple pressure vessels manufactured in series.

For the purposes of this Directive, “simple pressure vessel” means any welded vessel subjected to an internal gauge pressure greater than 0,5 bar which is intended to contain air or nitrogen and which is not intended to be fired.

1. Directive 2009/105/EC of 16 September 2009 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to simple pressure vessels (OJ-L 264-08/10/2009) replaces Directive 87/404/EEC of 25 June 1987 following a codification including the amendments to the original directive.

2. Simple Pressure Vessels Directive (SPVD): guidelines
In order to ensure a coherent application of the Simple Pressure Vessels Directive, the Guidelines are established and agreed in the framework of the Commission’s working group. This working group is chaired by a representative of the Commission services.

These guidelines are elaborated by the Commission services based upon the results from the working group on the application of the directive.
The aim of this guidance is to clarify certain matters and procedures referred to in directive 2009/105/EC on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States.
The guide has an informal status and its loose-leaf format permits the introduction, updating or withdrawal of individual documents when appropriate.
The guidance contained in this document is not mandatory. Although it sets out that information on matters relating to the directive it is for guidance only, aimed at helping you, whether you are a manufacturer, notified body or other interested parties, meet your obligations.
You may, if you wish, take alternative effective steps to meet the requirements of the directive.
The formal document remains the text of directive 2009/105/EC together with any officially published supporting or amending documents.
Other Pressure Vessel design code info. can be found with the links below
PD5500, EN286, DNV, ASME, LLOYDS, 97/23/EC, EN13445, 87/404/EEC, 2009/105/EC, ABS, BS5169

Complete one of our pressure vessel enquiry forms – for 2009/105/EC Pressure Vessels and Air Receivers