Unfired Pressure Vessels and the Pressure Equipment – Standards for the future
When: 13 November 2014
Where: CEN-CENELEC Meeting Centre, 1000, Brussels
Participation: Participation is free of charge. Since there is a limited number of places, registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis and will close when the maximum number is reached.
Programme: Read the programme
Registration: Please complete the on-line registration form

European harmonised standards and the Pressure Equipment codes of construction support the implementation of Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC).

Through this workshop, CEN and CENELEC wish to promote the Pressure Equipment codes of construction in the new EU Member States and outside Europe, e.g. in Eastern European countries and Asia. During the meeting, the participants will have the opportunity to learn about the existing current CEN activities in Technical Committees and will receive further information explaining Technical Reports with application examples of EN 13445 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessels’. New CEN Technical Reports on application examples related to EN 13445 ‘Unfired Pressure Vessels’ will be also presented.

For whom: The programme of the workshop is suitable for designers of pressure equipment and experts working in the Technical Committees of CEN and CENELEC. Other participants may include Members of CEN and CENELEC, European Union institutions and agencies, universities and research institute academia, SMEs and large companies

Agenda Below:

Workshop 13 November 2014
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre

17 Avenue Marnix, 1000 Brussels, 4th floor

09:00-09:30 Welcome coffee and registration

09:30-09:45 Welcome and introduction

Strategic importance of standardization in support of Pressure


Mr Jean-Paul Vetsuypens, Director Standards, CEN-CENELEC

Introduction by Laurent Legin, TRANE, Chair of CEN PE AN

Context and objectives of the day

09:45-10:15 Pressure Equipment – Policy Context

Prospects for the EU legislation in the field of Pressure Equipment

Mr Hans D’Hooge, European Commission, DG ENTR

10:15-10:45 EN 13445 Unfired Pressure Vessels

EN 13445 – an introduction

Mr Phil Bygate, CEN/TC 54 Unfired Pressure vessels

10:45-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:00 EN 13445 Unfired Pressure Vessels – How to approach it – practical

tools (continued)

The EN 13445 Maintenance helpdesk

Mr Alexandre Butaye, Union de Normalisation de la Mécanique

Example of Application of EN 13445 (CEN/TR 13445-101)

Mr Aurélien Di Rienzo, SNCT

Example of Application of EN 13445 (CEN/TR 13445-102)

Mr Fernando Lidonnici, Sant Ambrogio

12:00-12:30 Q&A

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:30 Electrical equipment for furnaces and ancillary equipment

Mr Bernard Hoffmann (CENELEC BT TF 132-2 Convenor)

Are there gaps in the PED?

Mr Franck Wohnsland, Orgalime, member of the PE CEN AN

14:30-14:45 Concluding remarks

Mr Laurent Legin, TRANE, Chair of the CEN PE AN

14:45-15:00 Coffee break (for persons staying for parallel sessions)

15:00-16:45 PARALLEL SESSION 1

Detailed discussion on

applying EN 13445

Lead by Mr Alexandre Butaye

(UNM) and Mr Fernando Lidonnici

(Sant Ambrogio)

Following the presentation of the

two TR in the morning, there will

be a discussion with participants in

order to gather feedback on the

current draft and listening to

issues to be considered during the

further development of the



Putting standards in practice

inside and outside Europe

Lead by Mr Laurent Legin (TRANE)

and Mr Werner Klipfel (BASF)

Standards can only deliver their

beneficial effects if applied and

become a part of daily best

