
History PhD student required?

Whilst we focus on our future & current capability to produce pressure vessels heat exchangers and air receivers for a variety of industries, it’s hard to ignore that we’ve got a bit of history behind us.

In 2 years time we will have been trading for 150 years – and we have quite a lot of history stored in our archives ….

Old books and stuff.

Loads of old drawings of boilers

More old leather bound books.

Whilst we focus on continually improving and modernising our capabilities and production facilities, we are looking for someone else to make a good record of our history – something that might make a good PHD project for a History graduate ?

As you can see from the photograph below the next generation still has a way to go before being really usefull!

Sitting on a product range new to Abbotts – CE marked stainless steel heat exchanger body’s designed and built to ASME code – we are looking to the Future – do you know someone who can document our past ? Any suggestions very welcome..