Vessel Manufacturer or Vessel Fabricator ?

Vessel Manufacturer or Vessel Fabricator ?

We manufacture AND fabricate pressure vessels WHATEVER the two terms mean ! Following a chat with a (highly respected) customer we decided the terms were synonymous, but perhaps a pressure vessel manufacturer runs more of a production line whereas a pressure vessel...
Vessel Manufacturer or Vessel Fabricator ?

The Art of Welding

Desperate to glamorise vessel welding we photograph Sean putting some metal down ! Yes it takes a certain type to like this ! – Thanks for the photo Terry !
Vessel Manufacturer or Vessel Fabricator ?

Welding dissimilar metals

We have a broad and growing range of weld procedures Welding stainless steel to carbon steel requires special procedures and consumables Here is Luke one of our crack welders (Crack as in “elite” – not any other sort of crack) burning the midnight...