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Your Pressure Vessel; your way; you got it! Bespoke.

Why does a bespoke Pressure Vessel make sense? Saying yes to customers makes us so happy. We understand that the space available for any installation is often limited and makes your heart sink on first inspection!

You want the job but how will you manage to get all the equipment and the Pressure Vessel in such a small space? If only the Air Receiver could be tall and thin or short and fat. How it would help if the connections could be all down one side or the sizes matched the existing pipework. And now your customer wants a higher pressure; connections for sight glasses and level gauges too! We can manufacture Bespoke Pressure Vessels – problem solved!

Filter Vessel, Pressure Vessels, Air Receivers, Steam Vessels, sight glasses, bespoke, connections, manufacturing, design and manufacture

Filter Pressure Vessel. Really not off the shelf is it?

Here at Abbott & Co. we know that not all jobs are standard. Hence the reason non standard bespoke designs are standard in our Drawing Office. If you let us know your requirements we can quote for a bespoke vessel so that you in turn can say yes to your customer. You really can offer that 600NB manway, the flanges where they need them and that  high spec paint you have seen on their data sheet. Doesn’t it feel so good to say yes?

Surge Vessel, Manway, Design codes, ASME, PD5500, Bespoke, BS EN 13445, Design pressure

Bespoke non standard Surge Vessel

So when your day is far from standard; when you just don’t know how you are going to turn dreams in to a practical reality; remember Abbott & Co. can! With a range of Design codes such as ASME, PD5500, BS EN 13445, EN286, DNV and Lloyds class we are ready and willing to quote for that bespoke Pressure Vessel.

Please send over your enquiry for any Pressure vessels,  Heat Exchangers, Air Receivers, Vacuum Vessels, Blowdown Vessels, Expansion Vessels, Chilled Water Buffer Vessels, Thermal Stores, Surge tanks or Separators just to name a few! Our friendly Sales team would love the opportunity to quote and our Drawing office just can’t stop putting those connections where you need them! Together we really can get the job done.

Suction damper, pressure Vessel, Bespoke, flanges, ASME, PD5500, cyclic loading, BS EN 13445, Manufacturing, fabricating

Bespoke Separator Vessel


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