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From waste product to Bio-fuel; it sure is hip to be square (or rectangle)

When Graham Gent of ETP Services asked Abbott & Co. to manufacture an Oil trap we were more than happy to help him out! The Oil trap will be a part of a waste treatment system in the food processing industry. Bio-fuel will be the resulting valuable waste resource.


Below is the finished vessel all loaded up and ready to go. Proud Abbott staff who have spent many an hour carefully measuring, plasma cutting, welding, fitting and painting gather to say a final farewell! Graham was on site to enjoy the moment with us; before taking his fat trap off to get some work done!

Bespoke Fat trap loaded up on delivery vehicle with men who manufactured it


Graham provided us with the initial sketch of his dream machine and we quoted based on these requirements. Once ordered we produced a manufacturing drawing so that every flange, hatch and weir plate was just perfect for Graham. It needs to be perfect because what happens inside is of  environmental importance.


This really is a feel good project. The process waste contents on entering the vessel will be a mixture of grease, oil and water. It will pass through the internal separator screens and the resulting end product will once again be a valuable resource, Bio-fuel.

Once fully operational the Oil Trap will process approx two tonne of Bio-fuel per day with a very healthy income of approx £800/day.

Water separated out from the process will then continue to go through further treatment before it will eventually be clear to enter the drain. Without the Oil Separator the original grease, oil and water mix would be purely a waste product to be handled and disposed of. What a waste of  the potential Bio-fuel!


Isn’t it just great that engineering gets to be so cool? We all know of huge feats of engineering across the world. They can be done  to solve a problem or sometimes just to downright show off! What brings a smile about this project is the whole alchemy of it. From the original resource; to waste products; to Bio-fuel. It’s just pure gold isn’t it?

Design codes

With use of a range of Design codes such as ASME, EN 13445, PD 5500, EN286, BS 5169, DNV, Lloyds Class, BS 5169 we are ready and willing to quote for all of your Pressure Vessel dreams.


We are able to manufacture in Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel so the choice really is yours!

So whether you want a Bio-fuel fat trap like Graham, a Special Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchanger, Blowdown vessel or Air Receiver, please send your enquiry over to us.


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