
Darren here is doing his utmost to look confident that he has correctly marked out this rather complicated flash vessel. This EN13445 pressure vessel extracts excess water from very high temperature steam (at a goodly pressure too).

Since Darren’s excellent supporting role in our recent company video
http://www.air-receivers.co.uk – it will make you chuckle ! the fame has gone to his head – please do drop in and he will sign his autograph for you !
The next bit is boring but good for website optimisation for pressure vessels….
This EN13445 steam flash vessel is designed and built to this harmonised European pressure vessel
The Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU was originally 97/23/EC of the EU and gives the standard for our design and fabrication of pressure equipment (“pressure equipment” means steam boilers, pressure vessels, piping, safety valves and other pressurized components and assemblies subject to pressure loading.
PD5500 pressure vessels and ASME pressure vessels also can be used to meet the standard.