
Dismissal of Winding Up Petition
In the Reading County Court

No 0293 of 2013


(Company Number 06933824 )

and in the Matter of Insolvency Act 1986

A Petition to wind up the above-named Company of Gateway House, Highpoint Business Village, Henwood, Ashford, Kent TN24 8DH, was presented on 29 August 2013 by PREMIUM CREDIT LIMITED of Premium Credit House, 60 East Street, Epsom, Surrey KT17 1HB and was dismissed by the Court on 14 March 2014 .

Notice of the hearing previously appeared in The London Gazette of 11 October 2013 .

Chivers Easton Brown, 381 Ewell Road, Tolworth, Surrey KT6 7DF . (Ref VMA/14706.)