
DNV-GL Rules For Pressure Vessels

DNV-GL Pressure Vessels – Det Norske Veritas  – Germanischer lloyd 

NOTE: On 12 September 2013, DNV and GL merged to form DNV GL Group. On 25 November 2013 Det Norske
Veritas AS became the 100% shareholder of Germanischer Lloyd SE, the parent company of the GL Group,
and on 27 November 2013 Det Norske Veritas AS, company registration number 945 748 931, changed its
name to DNV GL AS.

We manufacture DNV Pressure Vessels and air receivers to DNV-GL rules for classification of ships

Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft PART 4 CHAPTER 7

and OFFSHORE STANDARD DNV GL AS DNVGL-OS-E101 Edition July 2015  Drilling plant – The standard is applicable to drilling facilities located on floating offshore units and on fixed offshore
installations of various types.

RULES FOR CLASSIFICATION Inland navigation vessels Edition December 2015 Part 4 Systems and components Chapter 3 Pressure vessels

Ring us now for DNV-GL approved vessels  

We source DNV approved materials, manufacture flanges, shells and dished ends from these materials and build pressure vessels with DNV certification

Please email us with your requirements or complete one of our pressure vessel enquiry forms

We also manufacture DNV air receivers for RULES FOR CLASSIFICATION Inland navigation vessels Edition December 2015 Part 4 Systems and components Chapter 3 Pressure vessels.

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions.

Abbotts offers DNV GL certified pressure vessels with range of third party verification and certification serices.

We provide certificated pressure vessels according to DNV GL rules, European Directives on Pressure Equipment (PED) and Transportable Pressure Equipment (TPED), ASME and AD 2000 and PD5500 and the harmonised standard EN13445

Our expertise includes:
Pressure vessels, Heat exchangers, Steam boilers, Accumulators, Gas cylinders, Valves, Further pressure equipment, Pressure assemblies, Process piping 
We use DNV -GL for Design approval and type approval according to DNV GL rules – with Conformity assessment according to the European Directive 2014/68/EU on Pressure Equipment (PED) as Notified Body 0575 
Approval of repair procedures for steam boilers and thermal oil heaters
We have Approval as manufacturers of pressure vessels covering assessment of calculations, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), expert advice on rules and requirements
Conformity assessment according to the European directive 2010/35/EU on Transportable Pressure Equipment (TPED) as Notified Body 0575

Pressure vessels for liquefied gases shall meet the requirements in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.5. Cargo process pressure vessels, as defined in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.1, shall be graded as class I pressure vessels. However, the selections of materials, qualification of welding procedures and production weld tests shall be according to the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.2 and Sec.5. Non-cargo process pressure vessels, as defined in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.1, shall meet the requirements of Ch.7. Boiler installations on liquefied gas carriers with gas operated machinery shall meet the requirements in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.16. 202 Pressure vessels for refrigerating plants are, in addition to t

DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:
— Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and consultancy services.
— Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as the technical basis for DNV offshore services.
— Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.

DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:

  1. Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology
  2. Materials Technology
  3. Structures
  4. Systems
  5. Special Facilities
  6. Pipelines and Risers
  7. Asset Operation


A. General
A 100 Introduction

101 This standard contains requirements for fabrication and testing of offshore structures.
A 200 Objective
201 The objectives of this standard are to:
— provide an internationally acceptable standard to ensure the quality of all welding operations used in offshore fabrication, through identifying appropriate welding procedures, welder qualifications and test methods
— serve as a technical reference document in contractual matters between purchaser and contractor
— serve as guideline for designer, purchaser and contractor
— specify minimum requirements for welding operations
subject to DNV certification and classification.

FABRICATION AND TOLERANCES (includes pressure vessels and air receivers)

A. General
A 100 Objective and scope

101 This section gives requirements for fabrication and tolerances
of offshore structures.

B. Fabrication Planning
B 100 General

101 As a prerequisite for fabrication, procedures, inspection and test plans and work instructions for execution and control of fabrication activities shall be established. The purpose of the procedures and work instruction shall be:
— to provide instructions and information regarding the requirements for and the principles of the work execution
— to identify and document the responsibilities and plans for the work execution in accordance with the project requirements
— to provide information to the purchaser on how the work is executed and controlled
— to identify applicable procedures, test plans, work instructions, acceptance criteria, hold points and documents to be generated
— to serve as basis for quality audits.

102 Relevant procedures, including information of pre-assembled items and the sequence of fabricating the parts into structure, shall be prepared.

B 200 Quality system and workmanship (includes pressure vessels and air receivers)

201 Fabrication of structural members shall have a documented and implemented quality system according to ISO 9001 or equivalent. The extent of the quality management system shall be dependent on the size and type of the organisation, complexity and interaction of the processes and competence of personnel.

202 Workmanship shall be in accordance with E following written procedures agreed upon.

203 All work shall be skilfully and carefully executed with adequate control by the contractor. All faults and deficiencies shall be corrected before the material is coated with paints, cement or similar. Repair work of significant extent shall be demonstrated as acceptable to the purchaser.

204 Prior to commencement of the work the contractor shall submit a plan for NDT, NDT procedures and documents for NDT inspectors’ certification for acceptance by the purchaser. The programme shall contain information and documents for planning, controlling, reporting etc. Acceptance criteria for NDT shall be accepted by the purchaser if they are not specified in relevant documents.

C. Inspection
C 100 General

101 Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with accepted inspection and test plans to confirm that work is carried out in accordance with established project procedures and plans such that all project requirements are complied with to the satisfaction of the purchaser.
The inspection shall cover items such as:
— correct identification and documentation and use of materials
— qualification and acceptance of fabrication procedures and personnel
— inspection of preparatory work (assembly, fit-up form work, reinforcement etc.)
— welding inspection
— inspection of fabrication work for compliance with specifications and procedures
— witnessing NDT, control and testing
— inspection of repairs
— inspection of corrosion protection systems
— ensure functionality of examination or testing equipment
and of recording and/or measuring devices vital for correct functioning of equipment and machinery used in fabrication. 102 Due consideration shall be given to the access and the time required for adequate inspection during fabrication.

103 High non-conformance rates in execution of the work or in the product itself shall call for special considerations. Such special considerations may include, but not be limited to, increased inspection, re-qualification of personnel or other agreed remedial actions.

104 Inspectors shall be qualified according to a recognised scheme and shall be able to provide documentation of proficiency.


Other Third PAry inspectors include:

LIST OF BODIES NOTIFIED UNDER DIRECTIVE : 2014/29/EU Simple pressure vessels 
Name and address of the notified bodies Identification 
Responsible for the following products Responsible for the following 
procedures or modules 
Annexes or 
articles of the 

APRAGAZ A.S.B.L. 0029 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 
Chaussée de Vilvorde, 156 


TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH 0035 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 
Am Grauen Stein 

D-51105 Köln 

TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH 
Westendstraße 199 
80686 München 
0036 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 

ZURICH ENGINEERING 0037 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 
126 Hagley Road 

Egdbaston Birmingham B16 9PF 
United Kingdom 

Lloyd's Register Verification Limited 0038 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 
71 Fenchurch Street 

London EC3M 4BS 
United Kingdom 

BRITISH ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD 0040 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 
5 New York Street 

Manchester M1 4JB 
United Kingdom 

TÜV NORD SYSTEMS GMBH & CO. KG 0045 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 
Große Bahnstraße 31 

22525 HAMBURG 

CUALICONTROL-ACI, S.A. 0052 Simple pressure vessels EU-type examination Module B Pressure Vessels and Air receivers Hydrophores 
Caleruega, 67 

DNV Pressure Vessels are built in our factory in Newark Other design codes and Directives details linked here include: include

Please email us with your requirements or complete one of our pressure vessel enquiry forms