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First impressions; lasting memories!

Looks may not be everything; but what you first see of a compressor installation is the first impression you get. It is also what you remember and what your customer will  look at every single day. You have to ask yourself how do you advertise in the plant room?

It really does help if the colour of the whole installation matches and the quality is consistent. Often galvanised vessels are chosen with corrosion protection in mind but in reality Abbott & Co. painted Air Receivers outlive the compressor every time! So once we have manufactured your Great British Air Receiver don’t fall at the final hurdle and supply a mismatched installation.

Abbott & Co. just love to paint our Air Receivers the colour and paint specification you require.  From Standard gloss, Two pack epoxy or C5M for offshore; your wish is our command! Got something special in mind just tell us the RAL code and consider it done! We can even work with you to apply your company logo on  the Air Receiver so that your name is a positive advert every single day.

The quality of the Air Receiver really can be the icing on the cake or the fly in the ointment. How can you really afford to be remembered in the plant room?

Abbott & Co. Air Receivers and Pressure Vessels to a range of Design codes, BS5169, PD5500, ASME, EN286, Lloyds class, EN13445, DNV.

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