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You know it will be Great if it is a Great British Pressure Vessel!

Our customers know there are cheaper, inferior products out there. You value our quality and reliability more. We manufacture quality Great British Pressure Vessels.

Abbott & Co. Company logo, Great British

10 Reasons to buy Abbott & Co. Great British made vessels

1. Buy Great British and you literally get more for your money – in some cases the steel is actually twice as thick! – Ours are a minimum of 5mm. Your customers DO notice this – and will recognise you sell on quality – if you sell on quality! They will also like the Union Jack on the nameplate as they are most likely part of British industry.

2. Sensible corrosion allowances keeps inspectors happy .

3. Pressure systems regs – we can produce documents, design calcs, material certs, weld plans – people are cottoning on to the fact a CE mark alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be especially when THEIR name is down as the responsible person.

4. Installation is easier because sockets won’t bend due to the slightest bit of unsupported pipe work.

5. Our Great British Lifting lugs are designed to lift the vessel weight (with calcs to prove it if required) – tacking on a bit of bent metal is not a recognised safe lifting practice – it’s big, heavy and your responsibility if it drops and squashes someone.

6. Legs on the outside of the vessel for proper stability rather than cheaper ‘tripod ‘ legs. We offer Great British stability!

7. Inspection openings of a sensible size so inspectors can inspect easily. Our Great British Pressure Vessels have got nothing to hide.

8. Thicker shell wall prevents ‘dints’ with accidental damage – fork drivers you know who you are!

9. Less site work – reduce pipe fitting and installation time having bespoke connections added/moved to the vessel (ever tried putting a 2 inch BSP pipe thread on site?)

10. More efficient airflow – bespoke positioned connections can save multiple air flow restricting twists and turns.

11. Pretty colours – Air receivers are a great poster board to advertise your brand (or your clients’) – get a bright gloss paint finish and have your own sticker on it.

12. Environmental – Your money is spent on diesel in exchange for steel thickness. I’m no carbon footprint expert but driving a lorry with a big vessel full of fresh air across Europe and crossing the channel on a boat is probably a bad thing. Does that sound like Great British sense?

13. The chances are you are supplying or maintaining compressors for someone that supplies us too – so it’s good for UK industry as a whole on which we all depend. Lets keep it British.

14. We speak your language, we enjoy our work and for us you are not just a number.

15. I know we said 10 reasons but we kept thinking of more … and we have a sense of humour!

When you require an Air Receiver, Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchanger, Expansion vessel, Surge Vessel, Pulsation dampner, Blowdown Vessel, Flash Vessel, Separator or any vessel cylindrical and pressurised we can manufacture what you require.

Using Design codes ASME, PD5500, EN13445, BS5169, EN286, Lloyds Class or DNV we can design and manufacture standard stock vessels or bespoke to meet your requirements.

Abbott & Co. continue to manufacture Great British Pressure Vessels at our works in Newark, Nottinghamshire. Made in Britain and delivered to you with a smile!

No Borders, no barriers; just Great British Pressure Vessels!


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