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Manufacturing equipment

Pressure Vessel manufacture requires lots of equipment (or very large toys!) This initial purchase and subsequent maintenance is a huge cost for any business.

We certainly do want to use the most efficient technology in our manufacturing processes. But like any child stood in the toy shop, we are not able to have every brand new toy. Not just because it’s the latest edition. Rightly so. As a business we have a responsibility to make sensible balanced decisions.

Our responsibility is both to our workers and also our customers. Investing wisely whilst keeping the pennies safe, means we are able to provide employment for local people whilst keeping our Pressure Vessels competitive.

These are just some of the reasons why quality refurbished equipment makes sound commercial sense for Pressure Vessel manufacture.

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Plasma cutter for Pressure Vessel Manufacture

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Above refurbished  Esprit H2500 CNC Plasma cutter purchased from Westermans International Ltd.

Reliability is key in any manufacturing process, which is why we often turn to our trusted friends at Westermans International Ltd for our refurbished machinery needs. Based in Leicestershire it is great to work with a local company who understand our requirements.

When approached by Westermans to be a case study for an article discussing refurbished equipment we were more than happy to help. Read the article on page 25 in Industrial Director 

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Pressure Vessel Manufacture maintenance

Of course machinery used for Pressure Vessel manufacture, that is in constant use, needs constant maintenance to keep production moving.  I proudly present the unsung maintenance heroes of the factory,  Simon (left) and Terry (right). They ensure the plasma keeps cutting, the rollers keep rolling and at break times the kettle keeps boiling!

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Pressure Vessels in balance

So as you can see there is a balance between having all the new equipment at high cost and sourcing refurbished equipment at a fraction of the cost. That balance is crucial to the success and longevity of any business.

Certainly by sourcing quality refurbished equipment for our Pressure Vessel manufacture means that we can continuously look to utilise advanced technology while maintaining a level of service and competitiveness that is at the heart of our success.

If you would like one of our quality Pressure Vessels please do contact us. We have a range of Design codes to choose from such as asme, EN13445, PD5500 etc. Our friendly  Sales team will be happy to take your enquiry.  Alternatively use the enquiry button below.

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