Ready for a new challenge

Ready for a new challenge

Abbotts works bike has been dusted off for a fresh challenge in support of local Beaumond House Hospice – any suggestions and support welcome !    The British designed & built  Boardman bike serviced by Andy Swain in Southwell tel...
Ready for a new challenge

Abbotts Twitter

Check out out Twitter feed for lighter hearted moments   Tweets by pressurevessel   Tweets by...
Ready for a new challenge

Abbott Brand Image

Photo below of Abbotts brand – this is the real deal rather than something dreamt up by a London design agency !   It hangs on an old nail in our archives – but was probably heated in the furnace and used to burn the brand into packing cases...
Ready for a new challenge

Tough Mudders for Charity

We are fund raising for Beaumond House Hospice any help would be appreciated. Abbotts is sponsoring a team (including our MD) to put themselves to the test on a 12 mile tough mudder assault course. Please donate at:...
Ready for a new challenge

Steam Flash Vessels by Abbotts

Look at these photos below – Despite looking like a cross between Doctor Who and Gullivers Travels these two pressure vessels have been dispatched to Singapore where they will be Installed deep inside a rig where they will then travel all the way back home to be...