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We don’t just make air receivers but pressure vessels, stainless vessels and Heat Exchangers!

Flat as a pancake is how carbon steel comes in to our works! We have big plans for it though and once marked out and cut on the plasma cutter it soon finds it’s way to our rollers.

Whilst a glossy picture of the finished product is always great we love to share the process of how we do what we do. Hence the photo of 10mm carbon steel plate been rolled on our super rollers making it look all too easy.

So whatever diameter you need your Pressure Vessel to be we would really love to get rolling on it for you. If you want some tasty internal pipework for a Heat Exchanger  or baffle plates for a Blowdown Vessel we are happy to add the filling for you. Any topping you fancy from standard gloss to marine spec  epoxy it really will look at treat!

Please give our friendly Sales team a call with your enquiry and together we can keep rolling , rolling, rolling!


[av_button label=’Send enquiry’ link=’manually,https://www.air-receivers.co.uk/find-us-air-receivers/’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ label_display=” icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue805′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-jwhok1jp’ admin_preview_bg=”]