Like most other areas of engineering the design of pressure vessels doesn’t stand still for long

Below are some notes from a seminar I attended recently covering changes to the ASME code:

ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Brief Overview of Changes in the 2013 Edition

UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Andrew Pitts
• ASME Authorised Inspector Supervisor / Authorised Nuclear Inspector
• Team Leader – ASME Inspection services, UK & Ireland

Outline of the Presentation

Brief overview of the more significant changes in the 2013 Edition of the
ASME B(oiler) and P(ressure) V(essel) C(ode)

Not ALL the changes are covered

UK Energy, Inspection Service Line

Outline of the Presentation

Considers: Section II Materials
Section V NDE
Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels
Section IX Welding

Does not consider: Section I Boilers
Section VIII Division 2 Pressure Vessels – Alternative Rules
Section III or XI Nuclear Facility Components
Section IV Heating Boilers
Section VIII Division 3 High Pressure Vessel
Section X FRP Vessels
Section XII Transport Tanks
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line

UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Published July 01, 2013
• Includes revisions and errata up to 2012
• Mandatory from January 01, 2014
• The first edition published under the 2-year publication cycle
• Next edition will be 2015 Edition published July 01, 2015
• No 2014 Addenda

General (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Code Case Supplements published four time a year
• Interpretations issued on ASME website in January and July
• Errata published on ASME website
• Users can register to receive notification when Errata or Special Notices are issued.

General (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Revised designations for sub-paragraph breakdowns:
e.g., UHA-51(e)(2)(-a)

General (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Footnotes are now called Endnotes
• Endnotes are now listed in numerical order at end of each Code Section
• Some “notes” have changed numbers
• Foreword is not part of the Code;
Continuing from the 2011a Addenda, paragraphs considered mandatory in the
Foreword have been moved to the main Code e.
g., Governing Code Editions Section VIII-1, Mandatory Appendix 43
Tolerances Section VIII-1, U-5
Materials Section II, Mandatory Appendix II

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
Section VIII
Division 1
Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Table U-3 Year of Acceptable Edition of Referenced Standards in this Division
Some Standards updated, no change to B16.5, B16.9. B16.11 or SNT-TC-1A
• UG-6(c) Forgings
Added new subparagraph to address use of certain forgings (e.g., SA-105, SA182,
SA-350) for tubesheets and pressure vessel shells; i.e., additional testing
• UG-16(f) (Design) General
Added reference to ASME PTB-4 -ASME Section VIII Division 1 Example
Problem Manual; replaces numerical example problems from Nonmandatory
Appendix L and other places (e.g., Part UHX, Appendix 26).

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UG-37(g) Reinforcement Required for Openings in Shells and Formed Heads
Deleted the specific reference to compressed air and soap suds for
leak tightness test at tell-tale holes in doubler plates
• UG-79 Forming Pressure Parts
Added Table UG-79.1 – Equations for Calculating Forming Strains
No change to equations which were previously in UCS-79, UNF-79, UHA-44,
except deleted alternative equation for UNF and UHA tubes and pipe bends
based on “t”
• UG-84 Charpy Impact Tests
Added Fig UG-84.5 and Table UG-84.6, and revised UG-84(g)(2) and (h)(3) to
address requirements for HAZ Impact Test Specimen Set Removal
(number and location)

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UG-84 Charpy Impact Tests (continued)

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UG-99(k) Standard Hydrostatic Test
• UG-100(e) Pneumatic Test
Revised to prohibit painting or coating of pressure retaining welds prior to
pressure testing unless:
-permitted by the user
-if permitted, or when internal linings are to be applied,
a leak test per Section V, Article 10 is first completed
-such a test may be waived with the approval of the user
No change to vessels for lethal service; painting or coating still prohibited
• UCI-99 Standard Hydrostatic Test
• UCD-99 Standard Hydrostatic Tests
(b) added to prohibit painting or coating prior to pressure testing

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UG-116 Required Marking
Deleted the term “maximum allowable external working pressure (MAEWP)”
Clarified that “maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP)” can be either
an internal or external pressure
Nameplate marking examples added to Appendix L (next slide)
• UG-118 Method of Marking
Revised to permit marking by electrochemical etching
• Fig. UG-118 Form of Stamping
Revised: Full Vacuum can be abbreviated to F/V
If MAWP and MAEWP have same coincident temperature,
can combine on a single line

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UG-116 Required Marking (continued)

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UG-116 Required Marking (continued)

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Code Case 2732 Use of Existing Nameplates in Inventory for Construction
Section VIII, Division 1
Approved May23, 2012
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Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UG-117(a) Certificates of Authorization and Certification Marks
Revised to require that a Certified Individual shall meet the current
requirements of ASME QA-1.

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)

UW-6 Nonmandatory Guidelines for Welding Material Selections
Added nonmandatory guidance for consideration by Code users when
selecting welding materials to ensure chemical composition and mechanical
properties of deposited weld metal are consistent with specified design
No mandatory requirements, and not intended to replace designer’s

judgment in determining desired weld metal chemistry and properties

UK Energy, Inspection Service Line

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UW-40 Procedures for Postweld Heat Treatment
(f)(5)(-h) Added description of the term nominal thickness for overlay ……
“ the thickness of the weld metal overlay when weld metal overlay is the only
welding applied”
• UW-51(a)(4) Radiographic Examination of Welded Joints
Revised to allow UT IAW 7.5.5 of VIII-2 in lieu of RT for weld examination in
material 6mm thick and greater (was 13mm thick and greater)

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Table UCS-23 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel
Revised editorially and added materials which now have allowable stresses in
Section II Part D (e.g., SA/EN-10028/2 P235GH & P265GH)
• UCS-56 Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment
Added (g) to describe capacitor discharge and electric resistance welding
requirements for attaching bare-wire thermocouples without subsequent PWHT
• UCS-79 Forming Pressure Parts
added (e) and (f) and Table UCS-79.1 to define post-forming heat treatment
requirements for P-No. 15E (Grade P-91) material in order to control the
deleterious effects of cold work in creep-strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steels
to ensure that the material will have the desired creep strength following
completion of all processing

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Table UHA-23 High Alloy Steel
Revised to incorporate Code Case 2127-3 (Type 304LN)
Revised to incorporate Code Case 2245-1 (“super” duplex UNS S32760)
• Table PWHT Requirements for P-10H
UHA-32.4 Revised temperatures for various alloys

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UHA-51 High Alloy Steel, Impact Tests
-revised to require UNS S17400 to be impact tested
-revised to make reference to Nonmandatory Appendix JJ for
flowchart illustrations of impact testing requirements
-UHA-51(a)(4)(-b)(2) added additional requirement for impact testing of
filler metals other than Types 316L and 308L, when MDMT is colder than
-UHA-51(a)(4)(-c) added requirement for additional testing to ASTM E1820
Jic when charpy impact test specimen do not meet the LE requirements,
when MDMT is colder than -196oC

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UHA-51 High Alloy Steel, Impact Tests (continued)
-UHA-51(h)(2) revised to clarify exemptions from vessel (production)
impact tests for austenitic stainless steels (Code Case 2704)
MDMT warmer than -104oC:
exempt provided impact test exemption requirements for the
welding procedure qualification in (e) are satisfied
MDMT colder than -104oC but warmer than -196oC:
exempt provided pre-use test requirements in (f) are satisfied
MDMT colder than -196oC:
not exempt

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UHX-4 Design
-added cautionary note for designer to consider potential leakage due to
tubesheet or flat cover deflection
• UHX-9 Tubesheet Extension
-added rules for tubesheet extensions not extended for bolting; i.e.,
unflanged extensions
• UHX-10 General Conditions of Applicability for Tubesheets
-added new assumption that tube side and shell side pressures are uniform

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• UHX-X Various
-changed “loading cases” into “design loading cases” and “operating
loading cases”
-revised definitions of pressure, P
-revised to have one equation for shear stress calculation
-added rules for modifying tubesheet diameter where tubesheet edge
thickness is relatively thin compared to centre thickness
• UHX-19.3 Manufacturer’s Data Reports
-added requirement for fixed tubesheet heat exchanger
operating data to be indicated on a new Form U-5

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Mandatory Appendices
2 Rules for Bolted Flange Connections With Ring Type Gaskets
2-4(d) Revised to clarify that flange rigidity to be calculated in both gasket
seating and operating conditions
3 Definition of Terms
3-2 Added definition of construction: an all-inclusive term comprising
material, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification,
and overpressure protection. (Was previously a footnote in the Foreword)

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Mandatory Appendices
10 Quality Control System
now: Welder/Welding Operator Performance Qualification
Records for each welder who welded on the vessel
was: Welders Qualification Records for each welder
who welded on the vessel

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Mandatory Appendices (continued)
26 Bellows Expansion Joints
Added new rules re: minimum length of shell on each side of the bellows
Revised some nomenclature and equations to bring in-line with EJMA 9th
Edition and to incorporate Code Case 2587
Revised to add new rules re: internally attached bellows and reinforcing
Added new rules for fabrication tolerances bellows convolution pitch,
height and inside diameter

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Mandatory Appendices (continued)
43 Establishing Governing Code Editions and Cases for Boilers
for Pressure Vessels and Parts
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Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Mandatory Appendices (continued)
44 Cold Stretching of Austenitic Stainless Steel Pressure Vessels
Added new rules, based on Code Case 2596, with modifications
It’s use must be approved by user or designated agent

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Nonmandatory Appendices
W Guide for Preparing Manufacturer’s Data Reports
Forms revised; e.g., U-1, U-1A, U-2, U-2A
Provision for describing body flanges on shells and on heads
Some now 3 sides / 2 sides instead of 2 sides / 1 side resp.
New Form U-3 for “UM” Designator multi-chamber vessels;
New Form U-5: Manufacturer’s Data Report Supplementary Sheet Shelland-
Tube Heat Exchangers (for Fixed Tubesheet Heat Exchangers)
Authorised Inspector: now NB Comm. No. and Endorsement
was NB Comm. No. (only when registered) and
State and No.

Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Nonmandatory Appendices
JJ Flowcharts Illustrating Toughness Testing Requirements and Exemptions
from Toughness Testing by the Rules of UHA-51
Revised, but no change to the requirement for impact testing of austeniticferritic
duplex base metal and HAZ (*) greater than 10mm nominal
thickness irrespective of MDMT; (*) and therefore vessel (production)
impact tests also required
NN Guidance to the Responsibility of the User and Designated Agent

Section IX Welding, Brazing and (Plastic) Fusing Qualifications
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
Section IX
Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications

Section IX Welding, Brazing and (Plastic) Fusing Qualifications
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Title Page
-now includes Plastic Fusion
• Two new Parts
-Part QG, General Requirements
common administrative requirements (no changes?) for welding,
brazing and plastic fusing all in one place, including responsibilities and
-Part QF, Plastic Fusing
based on Nuclear Code Case N-755 for welding of high density polyethylene
ethylene pipe
similar structure to Parts QW (Welding) and QB (Brazing)

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• New welding processes added
-Hybrid Laser-GMAW (automatic LBW and automatic GMAW (not short-circuiting)
-Hybrid Plasma-GMAW (machine PAW and machine GMAW)
-Friction Stir Welding
These processes can only be used if, and when, permitted by the applicable Code of
Construction ……
e.g., Section I (PW-27) lists Hybrid Plasma-GMAW
e.g., Section VIII-1 (UW-27) lists Friction Stir Welding

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• New Nonmandatory Appendix K
-Guidance on invoking Section IX requirements in other Codes, Standards,
Specifications, and Contract Documents

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Hybrid Laser-GMAW welding

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Hybrid Plasma-GMAW welding

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Friction Stir welding

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• QG-109
-now defines an organisation as a manufacturer, contractor, assembler, installer, or
some other single or combined entity having responsibility for operational control of
the material-joining methods
-operational control = ? direct supervision ?
• QW-193, Tube-to-Tubesheet Tests, Procedure Qualification
2011a 2013
The thickness of the mockup tubesheet The thickness of the tubesheet in the mockup
is not required to be thicker than test assembly shall be at least as thick as the
2 in. (50m). production tubesheet, except it is not
required to be thicker than 2 in. (50mm).

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• QW-194, Visual Examination, Performance
2011a 2013
Performance test coupons shall show Performance test coupons shall show no cracks
complete joint penetration with complete and complete joint penetration with complete
fusion of weld metal and base metal). fusion of weld metal and base metal.
• QW-302.2, Volumetric NDE of Welding Performance Qualifications
-clarified that multiple coupons of small diameter pipe must be of the same diameter
• Table QW-422
-added new ASME, ASTM, API, EN materials grades
-Listing format revised to show A/SA-XXX and B/SB-XXX eliminating the
question/issue of ASTM versions of ASME specifications not being
assigned P-numbers.

Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued)
UK Energy, Inspection Service Line
• Table QW-422, A-Numbers
-added Cr, Mo and Ni for determining A-No. 1
-added Cr for determining A-Nos. 10 and 11
• Table QW-451.1, Groove-Weld tensions Tests and Transvers Bend Tests
-added new Note (6): For test coupons over 6 in. (150mm) thick,
the full thickness of the test coupon shall be welded
• Table QW-451.4, Fillet Welds Qualified by Groove Weld Tests
-added new General Note: Supplementary essential variables apply when notch
toughness is required by other Sections.
e.g., for GTAW, QW-256, supplementary essential variables include:
-QW-403.6, minimum base metal thickness qualified = < T or 16mm; or ½ T if T < 6mm -QW-410.9, a change from multi pass per side to single pass per side Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Nonmandatory Appendix B, Welding and Brazing Forms -Form QW-482, Suggested format for WPS -Form QW-483, Suggested format for PQR -Form Q-484A, Suggested format for WPQ -Form QW-484B, Suggested format for WOPQ -etc., -Forms revised to address “Organization” instead of “Company”, “Manufacturer” or “Contractor” etc. - forms Section IX Welding …… Qualifications (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Nonmandatory Appendix K, Guidance on invoking Section IX requirements in other Codes, Standards, Specifications, and Contract Documents -when another “standard” refers to Section IX, what do they need to specify (since Section IX only covers qualification . . . ) -remember, Section IX is NOT a fabrication Code or Code of Construction • ASME Subcommittee IX -Auditing of Welding Under ASME Section IX Section V Nondestructive Examination UK Energy, Inspection Service Line Section V Nondestructive Examination Section V Nondestructive Examination • Article 1 General Requirements, T-120(f) revised to permit ISO 9712 (which replaced EN 473) to be used to fulfil requirements for training, experience and examination of SNT-TC-1A However, the Codes of construction do NOT directly reference Section V Article 1 for qualification of NDE personnel; e.g. UK Energy, Inspection Service Line Section V Nondestructive Examination (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Article 1 General Requirements (continued) T-150(d) Added requirements for qualification of the written (NDE) procedure … … however, only “when required by the referencing Code section” Sections I, VIII-1 and VIII-2 (in general) do not require QUALIFICATION of written NDE procedures Intent Interpretation Section V Nondestructive Examination (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Article 1 General Requirements (continued) T-190 Records / Documentation (a) Documentation and records shall be prepared as specified by the referencing Code Section and the applicable requirements of this Section. Examination records shall include the following information as a minimum: (1) date of the examination (2) name and/or identity and certification level (if applicable) for personnel performing the examination (3) identification of the weld, part, or component examined including weld number, serial number, or other identifier (4) examination method, technique, procedure Identification, and revision (5) results of the examination Section V Nondestructive Examination (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Article 2 Radiographic Examination T-291(a) -added, to require the information in T-190(a) to be provided in the radiographic technique documentation Mandatory Appendix IX Application of Digital Radiography -added excessive backscatter requirements Section V Nondestructive Examination (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Article 4 Ultrasonic Examination Method for Welds T-4XX Many revisions! e.g., T-434.1.4 and J-432 -revised to clarify calibration block requirements for clad materials e.g., Nonmandatory Appendix P -added to aid in interpreting PAUT data for detecting, characterizing and sizing indications Section V Nondestructive Examination (continued) • Article 7 Magnetic Particle Examination Mandatory Appendix I – MT using AC Yoke on Ferritic Materials with Nonmagnetic Coatings -added new essential variable re: application other than powder blower Mandatory Appendix V – Magnetic Rubber Techniques -added, new technique UK Energy, Inspection Service Line Section II Materials UK Energy, Inspection Service Line Section II Materials Section II Materials UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Various material specifications revised or updated to later versions of equivalent ASTM e.g., SA-20 General Requirements for Steel Plates SA-182 Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, …… SA-240 Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip SA-263 Stainless Chromium Steel-Clad Plate SA-264 Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel-Clad Plate SA-265 Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy-Clad Steel Plate SA-285 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low-and Intermediate-Tensile SA-479 Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes SA-480 General Requirements for … Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip SA-484 General Requirements for Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings SA-790 Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe SA-815 Wrought Ferritic, Ferritic/Austenitic, and Martensitic …… Piping Fittings Section II Materials (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • Various SA/EN material specifications added or revised to Part A (material specifications) • Various grades added to Part D (maximum allowable stresses) BUT REMEMBER …… Even if included in Section II, these materials can only be used if … -permitted (listed) in the Code of Construction (e.g., Section VIII Division 1), and -maximum allowable stress tabulated in Section II Part D For example …… Section II Materials (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line SA/EN 10025-2 Hot Rolled Products of Structural Steels, Non-Alloy -added to II-A, but not listed in I or VIII SA/EN 10028-2 Flat Products Made of Steels for Pressure Purposes, Non-Alloy & Alloy -grades P235GH & P265GH added for VIII-1 SA/EN 10088-2 Stainless Steels, Sheet/Plate and Strip of Corrosion Resisting Steels -added to II-A, but not listed in I or VIII SA/EN 10216-2 Seamless Steel Tubes for Pressure Purposes, Non-Alloy and Alloy Steel -added to II-A, listed in I and II-D, not listed in VIII SA/EN 10217-1 Welded Steel Tubes for Pressure Purposes, Non-Alloy Steel Tubes -added to II-A, not listed in I or VIII Section II Materials (continued) UK Energy, Inspection Service Line • New Mandatory Appendices II Basis For Use Of Acceptable ASME, ASTM, and Non-ASTM Editions -revised, was in front matter III Guidelines On Multiple Marking Of Materials -revised, was in front matter IV Guidelines on the Approval of New Materials Under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code -revised, was front matter Andrew Pitts, Authorised Inspector Supervisor Team Leader ASME Services Inspection Service Line, Energy T +44 (0)7825 011080 E Lloyd’s Register EMEA Hiramford, Middlemarch Office Village Siskin Drive, Coventry, CV3 4FJ Working together for a safer world Lloyd’s Register and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. 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