Call that Snow ?

Call that Snow ?

This was INSIDE Abbotts pressure vessel factory IN 1978 when Snow was real snow ! Taken by one of our welders who is still welding for us today ! I would like to say conditions have much improved ..
Call that Snow ?

New Rolls Anyone ?

No not the sort of Rolls you pull up outside Buckingham Palace in -we have bought Dennis a brand new set of bending rolls ! 4 roll double pinch, and 3 meters long they  are more precise, larger and faster which will improve our quality, speed, and capacity...
Call that Snow ?

Darren’s Fame – and plating skills ..

Darren here is doing his utmost to look confident that he has correctly marked out this rather complicated flash vessel. This EN13445 pressure vessel extracts excess water from very high temperature steam (at a goodly pressure too). Since Darren’s excellent...
Call that Snow ?

Pressure Vessel with integral picnic table ?

Pressure vessels find themselves used in a wonderful mix of applications. The picture below is of a chilled water buffer vessel for an industrial cooling application  with a pump to be mounted on the plate (by our client) The opportunity however wasn’t...